Union Agriculture Office plays an important role in food production. Their main responsibilities are:
1. **Farmer Training:** To impart training to farmers on modern agricultural technology, proper cultivation practices and fertilizer management.
2. **Irrigation and Land Management:** Development of irrigation systems and ensuring proper utilization of land, so that farmers can get higher yields.
3. **Seed and Fertilizer Supply:** To provide good quality seed and fertilizer supply to the farmers.
4. **Provision of agricultural inputs:** To ensure easy availability of various agricultural inputs to the farmers.
5. **MARKET LINKAGE:** To arrange market linkage for farmers to get the right price of produce.
6. **Problem Solving:** Helping farmers to solve problems and providing necessary information.
7. **Disaster Management:** Assisting farmers in natural disasters and helping them recover.
Through all these activities, the Union Agricultural Office makes a significant contribution to agricultural production.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS